Girls Line

Broken Baby Doll...

I'm not a goddess I'm not a queen, I'm just the prettiest girl you have ever seen!

Sweet yet loud, Im a cutie 'n' proud!

Im part of the F.B.I: Im Faboulos, beautiful and Intelligent

Boys are great, every girl should own 1 (or two... three...)

Forget chocolate, Diamonds are my best friend!

Looking for Mr. Right

I love you is eight letters long but so is bullshit!

God made sand, God made dirt, God made boys so girls can flirt!

Girls don't like boys, girls like money and expensive cars!

Please don't think I'm crazy, I don't want you to understand. My mind is going hazy, to hell with your helping hand... Why don't you just leave me alone, this conflict is my own!

Someone asked if I knew you, it was sad cause all I could say was " I used to"

Tired of trying, Sick of crying, yeah i'm smiling but inside I'm dying!

I'm not perfect, niether is he but together we just may be!

At night i pray that soon your face will fade away!

You shouldn't be anyone specail to me, Your just another guy. you shouldn't lead me on exspcially if it's a lie, one day it's love the next day it's done, you hurt me to much to be the one.....

I won't mess with your head or play with your heart, Because I'm a real girl and I finish what I start.

My Dad Loves Me And I Love His Credit Card

My name isn't Elmo, but tickle me anyway!

Caution: I'm mental! communicate with me at your own risk!

When god made me, he was just showin off!

Don't ask me complicated questions! I'm blonde!

Dont wear a frown, its never in style, just do your best to SMILE SMILE SMILE!

Know everyone you love but dont love everyone you know.

Don't Treat Me Any Differently Than You Would The Queen

We are the people your parents warned you about!

SMART girls are more interested in having FUN than trying to look perfect!

Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again.. Skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts!

Yor like my maths book, you hav lots of problems!

Smokin can really kill a person, y dont u try it?!

Im sorry, do I look like I was listening?

Im YOUNG and BEAUTIFUL thats all that counts!

Do you believe in love at first site..? Or do I have to walk past again?

Roses are red, Violets are blue, God made me pretty, But what happened to you!

If Love Is A Crime I Would Be In Jail Forever

You know I love you, You know I care, Whenever you need me I will be there!

Your looks, your smile, your kiss, your style, everything about you boy drives me wild

I'd like a diamond, I'd like some gold, I'd like a pearl, Because I'm daddy's little girl

Don't be afraid to be yourself, the people who matter don't care; the people that care don't matter

Didn't ask to be a princess, but hey if the crown fits!

$5,000,000 Reward for fixing my broken heart

Good Looking Girls Are Hard To Find, That's Why You Don't See Me Too Often!

Girls Cheat But We Never Get Caught!

Girls Are So Complex, They Confuse Themselves!

Girls Are Like Fireworks, Their Kisses Light Up The Night, Their Hugs Make Everything Bright!

Girls Are Better Than Boys, We All Know It, Boys Try too Hard, But Still Don't Show It!

I'm so beautiful I married myself!

Don't wear a frown, its never in style, just try ur best, to smile smile smile!

True friends are like stars, sometimes you can't see them but they're always there.

I'm too much princess for one boy

Good girls are Bad girls who never get caught!

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